Welcome to Wrench Time, Inc. the online free information toolbox for maintenance and engineering.
Tools to improve your maintenance team:
“Wrench Time, using the RPM method to manage maintenance”
common sense approach to maintenance management
“RPM + RCM = Reliability” (Uptime magazine 2016)
“Using the RPM method to manage maintenance” (Uptime magazine 2008)
“Fred this is the first book an engineer should read after he graduates”
“I read your RPM Method+RCM=Reliability article in Uptime and was thoroughly entertained and educated. I’ve been in the Maintenance and Engineering field for 24 years always working in the plant in support and leadership roles, so many of your opinions resonated with me.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom and experience, and then having the wisdom to credit others.”
Read all this information for free
Hit the “RPM Method”

Tools to improve your understanding of thermodynamics:
“Weber’s Thermodynamics Notes”
Redefines Thermodynamics…work can create heat but heat can’t create work
“The Laws of Energy”Weber’s Thermodynamics Notes”
Read all this information for free
Hit the “Thermodynamics“
Or go to Amazon to purchase a hard copy

Maintenance Shop
A collection of information that will help you repair, PM, or modify plant equipment.
Engineering Office
A collection of information that will help you design or modify plant equipment.
Just remember that this website ( www,wrenchtime.com ) is a collection of free information related to maintenance and plant equipment that can be found on the Internet.
And because it’s free, please verify the information before using it.
(yes, that’s my disclaimer!).
Thanks for stopping by.
Take care of yourself and your family Fred